Category: Reducing User Churn

Why (And When) You Should Not Make Your Product/Website The Prettiest

You can try and make your company’s website fancy, along with its’ whole brand, the visual direction, the logo and

You Will Want To Grow Things Slowly — Whether It’s A Company Or Your Body

You want to grow things slowly. People want to attain their ideal body after 3 months of going gym. Or

How To Onboard Users By Offering A Demo+Sign-Up Process Together

Slack onboards people by having them go through 2 or 3 short pages and then they put them straight into

Can SaaS Companies Learn Anything From The Soap Aisle In A Supermarket?

If you go to the soap aisle in your supermarket, you’ll notice a certain type of product: a soap that’s

The Battle For Collaboration Tools (Or Extensions)

Dropbox changed their direction (or at least their offering) a couple of months ago — they’re going more into team

What You Need To Keep In Mind When Building An Elegant Solution

You don’t need to make it as complicated as possible. Yes, sometimes problems are complicated — and they need complex

What’s In A Profitable Software Product?

I like to think of software products as something you do once, just so that the global number of minutes/hours/etc

A Startup Married To A Media Company — A Match Made In Heaven

Media companies withhold the attention of the people. They focus on whatever makes the eyeballs turn into their direction. That’s

Why You Will Fail If You Go Straight For Your “World-Changing Idea”

Two days ago I’ve put out a preview to an unreleased long-form written piece. I’ve also promised I’ll release it

slack and saas companies

The SaaS Network Effect: Lessons from Slack’s IPO

Frequent readers of this blog will know about my obsession with the SaaS network effect. In truth, it’s an ideal

Cold Calling Is Over. Do This Instead.

There are things to be added to the “Future of Freemium” cornerstone piece, which I will do after this is

How To “Listen To What Your Users Are Doing, Not What They’re Saying”

I was discussing with a fellow reader their team’s situation of applying for venture capital. As we were conversating back