The Future Of Marketing: Communities Are Coming, Ads Are Left Behind
Before, we only had word of mouth. Until 100 years ago, you couldn’t say “brand did not exist”. It did,
How To Write Every Day For Your SaaS Product’s Users
If “you learn something new every day” — then you can write something every day. We anyways write every day.
Learn From Apple How Your SaaS Can Steal The Spotlight
“Observe a weak point in the market and capitalize on it” sounds good. But it’s a bit abstract. You know
How To Find The Profitable SaaS Product Idea
Think of it this way when you’re looking to start a SaaS company or maybe when developing new features for
Why SaaS Execution Matters More Than The Idea
Uber started by planning to simply buy cars and offer a white-glove on-demand service. It was March 2009 when the
Twitter’s Story As A Lesson For SaaS Companies
Twitter made the hashtag as they realised people want to “archive” their posts/tweets into a specific category. Or to gather
How Can I Create More Value Through My SaaS?
Every good business solves an expensive problem. SaaS companies are no exception. Stripe solves an expensive problem — how can
SaaS Companies Reducing User Churn — The Fundamental Rule
I don’t know the exact quote but it goes something like “If you want to change the world, start with
Why You Should Build A Product That’s Not Going To Make Millions
Founders don’t want to build small products because they are not “a $100M business”. Maybe they’re not “the next unicorn”,
SaaS Companies Can Beat Their Competition By Doing This
If Big Cartel and Shopify can both exist, so can you, along with your competition. Though it’s a bit deeper
How Can A SaaS Get Instant Fame Through ProductHunt Or Reddit?
No amount of upvotes on Reddit or ProductHunt is going to help you, a SaaS company, “make it”. Not even
One Better Way To Grab People’s Attention On A SaaS Website
Here’s one thing to be added to the pile of articles regarding the headline on your SaaS’s website. Simply say