Category: General

Why Are There Industries Where Multiple Companies Are Doing The Same Thing?
When an industry is big, multiple startups that aim to disrupt the market can (and sometimes will, indefinitely) share the

Disruption Is Good, But Not Stable.
Startups are cool and disruptive. Youngsters flock to products like Revolut, Monzo etc. and say “finally, someone understands me!” Then

Positive Feedback Loop
The more you’ve already won, the easier it is to keep on doing. After you’ve built a SaaS company, you

Do We Really Need Yet Another Font Out There?
Do we really need yet another font out there? That’s what I told myself as soon as I realised how

How To Be A Damn Good Investor
Every now and then there’s a new revolution: the new replaces the old because it’s better. We call them economic

You Will Want To Grow Things Slowly — Whether It’s A Company Or Your Body
You want to grow things slowly. People want to attain their ideal body after 3 months of going gym. Or

Tumblr Was Possibly The Biggest Steal
The Tumblr purchase is very likely to be the steal of this tech cycle. Instagram was surely the uncontested #1

Can SaaS Companies Learn Anything From The Soap Aisle In A Supermarket?
If you go to the soap aisle in your supermarket, you’ll notice a certain type of product: a soap that’s

How To Become Profitable With Freemium Software Offerings
I’m a huge advocate of free. My most important piece is called “The Future Of Freemium”. My most viral piece

The Homepage Of A SaaS Company Is Never Finished
A homepage is never finished. It doesn’t matter if you’re in fintech, restaurant industry, online security or what have you

Once Your Idea Is Funded, You’re Exposing Yourself
If you’re receiving big amounts of funding, you have a responsibility to expand into as many markets as possible ASAP.

How To Respond To Friends Asking You For Free Work
Here’s a proposal for a better and healthier life, if you’re a professional. And how to go about it. If