Category: CEO

What Makes Or Breaks The Long-Term State Of A Company

The experience can make it or break it. I’ve changed my barber recently, went to a new one. The job

LinkedIn Needs To Adapt To 2019 — One Important Thing That Needs To Be Fixed

Here’s something that I’ve encountered on LinkedIn that made me look at it with the stinky eye. Say you’re on

One Easy Thing To Be Done Every Day By A Tech CEO

There’s this guy called Stephen King. Very prolific writer, over 200 short stories and published over 60 books. Chances are,

4 Points About Understanding And Connecting To Your User — Range Rover vs Toyota Prius

Let’s talk experiences — I haven’t covered that so much lately. I was on Land Rover’s website some time ago.

Dear Mrs. CEO, How Does Your Company Sound Like?

As I mentioned in yesterday’s article, the voice assistants and how companies will need more and more a voice for

Here’s What CEOs Miss When It Comes To Planning

What’s your company’s stylescape? A quick trip to young you You were young and you were told having something put

Dear CEOs, Here’s What’s Better Than Money And The Epitome Of Elegance

The bible survived to today’s society ever since 6 B.C. That’s roughly 2600 years ago more or less. It’s hard

Dear Tech CEO, Here’s What We Have To Learn From Sexy Cars

Cars are sexy. They’ve got these curves and angles that look slick and refined. They (usually) come in shiny colours

4 Options For Tech CEOs To Go 1-on-1 With Their Churning Customers

It’s never been easier yet simply because it’s deemed impossible, very few CEOs happen to do this. I’m talking about

How Business Advice Works And “Please Decide My Life For Me, I Don’t Want To Do It”

Users churn for a different number of reasons, though when studying them, over time there seem to be patterns emerging among

Service Matters As Much As Software For A SaaS Company When Reducing User Churn

Being in the business of software as a service has a component that’s usually forgotten. Many start because of the

For CEOs — On Intent

Everybody wishes each other Happy New Year, Merry Christmas or whatever the social norm is for that day/moment. However, without