How To Lose Your Possible Customer In The First Few Seconds

You hear something about a company. It’s not clear to you what they’re dealing with or what they do for a living. You go on their website, trying to make it clearer for yourself. You’re prompted with a huge message like:

“We shape the future”

“We develop new perspectives of looking at the world”

“We create elegant solutions for complex problems”

“We facilitate the challengers”

And this could go on forever but I’d rather keep both of us out of this mindset. This idea of trying to abstract a product/company’s primary activity may sound okay to some people but I need to make it clear: it doesn’t to the users.

What the hell do you guys do?

Reducing customer churn starts with one thing: not giving someone reasons to leave your SaaS. It’s about shifting the conversation from a me-focused (company) perspective to a you-focused (user) perspective. What does it do for you? 

There’s no hiding in the fact that I’m a big fan of Apple. I’m aware it’s not everyone’s cup of tea but let’s be objective here for a sec and look past that. Their initial iPod is what shaped their company to what they are at the moment of writing, one of the most creative and lucrative companies. Dare I say, one of the most impactful – that’s subject to everyone’s opinion.

They didn’t put a tagline next to it of “Harnessing the power of sound” or “Bridging the gap between artists and fans”. Even worse, something like “5GB of portability”. They stated what it does for you:

It’s one step ahead of a person’s train of thought. “5 GB capacity in a portable music player. Oh, okay, I could listen to this and that. Wow, it could fit more than a thousand songs”. Why let them go this path instead of holding their hand on a path you’re paving for them?

This is part of the experience — reverse-engineering the way you’d want them to go and paving the way from there to where they are.

There are countless other successful and poor examples of this. But now how about yours? It happens with advertising: we hear about it and say “yeah, people (i.e. not me) fall for that… that’s how it happens” but we often fail to become self-aware and put our persona under doubt regarding the same situation. How about your company? Is it clear for your users/leads/thought leaders/ambassadors what it is that you do for them? 

Prior to designing an experience for them there has to be some pre-established variables into play. Just like crops needs fertile soil. That is the reason why I’m writing to you today.

About Ch Daniel

I run chagency, an experiences design agency that specialises on helping tech CEOs reduce user churn. We believe experiences are not only the reason why users choose not to leave but also what generates word of mouth. We’re building a credo around this belief.

I’ve also created an infinitely-valuable app for sneaker/fashion enthusiasts called Legit Check that impacted hundreds of thousands over millions of times – check it out at

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