Please Play God With Your Users

Whether you’re thinking about how to present a company’s car model in an interface builder, how to attract more creatives to your company’s product or simply create more awareness in an audience, one way or another there will be an experience planted for them.

Let’s bring up the definition of an experience once more.

So we’re talking about a special path (or sets of paths) that these people are taking because you have planted some rewards for them along the way. Reward is not the best word, as it can sound like you’re the one “luring” them into something, as if you’re fishing them. They’re simply put there for themselves to be taken advantage of with their consent.

In a sense, human evolution was a set of experiences. A special path that our ancestors have taken over millions and millions of years, that generated us. Adapt, refine, advance — went on and on.

What about those who didn’t?

We didn’t hear about them. Or we simply found their remnants and drew some conclusions (of which we’re not that sure anyways, some of the time).

We do know more about ourselves because one thing is sure: we survived. We took the golden path and somehow replicated to billions of individuals. Created buildings, food sources and started spending money on things that exist only in our heads.

Not getting religious or political here but it is at least possible that something, somewhere, got us back on our golden path when we drifted away. Or maybe it was simply luck/chance. But the “guardian angel” is a possibility, at least in our heads. And if you say it’s only in my head, so is the value of some items you own, so we can accept both to be existing.

Do you know any of these guys?

Thanks for this. Do I care?

Yes. Because you have a golden path in your mind that users undertake — on a website, in a store, during an interaction with your employees or with a chatbot.

What happens when they stray away from that? Is there any “guardian angel” that lifts them and gets them back on where they should actually be? Or are you leaving them in the fate of chance?

Because let me tell you, if I spent 15 minutes configuring a car, left — simply because I had something else to do — got back and started from 0, I wish that guardian angel helped me.

Another example: if I’m in a haunted house and I happen to see the works behind how something is supposed to scare me, I’m taken out of the whole narrative. And in that case there might be no guardian angel.

Do play god with your users. Do tell them what to do – but with their consent.

About Ch Daniel

I run chagency, an experiences design agency that specialises on helping tech CEOs reduce user churn. We believe experiences are not only the reason why users choose not to leave but also what generates word of mouth. We’re building a credo around this belief.

I’ve also created an infinitely-valuable app for sneaker/fashion enthusiasts called Legit Check that impacted hundreds of thousands over millions of times – check it out at

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