How Experiences Are Built

Experiences require build-up. Take the example of a shoe collector.

Everyone reading this has got a pair of a certain type of shoe. That’s normal.

Some people have two colourways of the same shoe. That’s called “I like the model” — still somehow normal.

Three of the same? That can be either the beginning of a collection or they bring some kind of utilitarian value to you.

From 4 pairs onwards, it’s very likely that the person developed some kind of feeling and he or she might have started collecting them.

At the same time, the more of these collectibles they’ve got, the more emotions are built up like a stack. And where do these live? In the head of the person and their peers. The only thing is: the more people are part of this tribe, the better – as it’s more fun.

So these people go on to create communities, events, personal brands, blogs, vlogs and even series.

What does this mean for a tech company?

It can mean anything from the way a newsletter form is meant to intercept users who are leaving on a first visit to the way brand equity is being built. From the way a presentation/pop-up store is arranged to the way the purchasing process is happening.

Is there any build-up in what your company offers?

About Ch Daniel

I run chagency, an experiences design agency that specialises on helping tech CEOs reduce user churn. We believe experiences are not only the reason why users choose not to leave but also what generates word of mouth. We’re building a credo around this belief.

I’ve also created an infinitely-valuable app for sneaker/fashion enthusiasts called Legit Check that impacted hundreds of thousands over millions of times – check it out at

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