Users churn for a different number of reasons, though when studying them, over time there seem to be patterns emerging among the possible answers to this question. It seems like there is… an answer.
People look for answers. Most people prefer answers that tell them what to do. They give the details of a situation and, if they happen to be in a conversation with someone who they deem as more knowledgeful than them, they expect some instructions.
A situation as complex as reducing user churn can’t necessarily be boiled down to a series of steps. There’s no magic formula or a to-do list to be checked when doing that.
It’s a matter of mindset.
When looking to fix the problem, I’d look for someone who’s trying to instil mindset, not a step by step solution.
Because what happens when we’re prompted with “what to do” is we do it (based on the adviser’s mindset) and from that moment onwards we’re back to our own mindset. Consequently, there will be a mismatch.
The Caveat
Not every single piece of advice we get has to be about mindset. Obviously, if it’s something our plumber tells us to do and we have no interest in making a career in plumbing, it’s not as important as getting advice in our business life.
However, it seems that this idea is mostly forgotten in the important moments, not in the time where we make decisions that don’t affect us that much.
My assumption is that it’s based on insecurity or fear with regards to the decision. “I don’t want to take this on me so please decide for me”. The reason for this is not to instil blame but to raise awareness.
Because we can be fearful and not aware — and that’s how most of the people are — leading to irrational decisions.
Or we could be fearful and aware — how most of us should aspire to be — and that’s when we face it and have higher chances to a better outcome.
About Ch Daniel
I run chagency, an experiences design agency that specialises on helping tech CEOs reduce user churn. We believe experiences are not only the reason why users choose not to leave but also what generates word of mouth. We’re building a credo around this belief.
I’ve also created an infinitely-valuable app for sneaker/fashion enthusiasts called Legit Check that impacted hundreds of thousands over millions of times – check it out at
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