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A curated library of venture capital investment pitch decks.
Why study the failed startups? If anything, we owe more to these people and have more to learn from them than from the unicorn founders. They’ve had the bravery to go out and try. They burned themselves so that we can know not to pursue a certain idea/execution. Here’s to them, respectfully ?
Square: $10M VC investment turned into $40B
Square is a financial services, merchant services aggregator, and mobile payment company. The company markets...
Dropbox: $15K VC investment turned into $16.8B
Dropbox is a file hosting service that offers cloud storage, file synchronization, personal cloud, and...
Intercom: $1M VC investment turned into $1.3B
Intercom is a company that produces a CRM messaging platform which allows businesses to communicate...
LinkedIn: $4.7M VC investment turned into $26B
LinkedIn, a professional networking site, allows its members to create business connections, search for jobs,...
MYSQL: $1.8M VC initial investment turned into $1B.
MySQL is an open-source database that supports scalable web based and embedded database applications. Note:...
Mint: $325K VC investment turned into $170M
Mint aggregates all your financial life in one, easy-to-understand place. Mint also gives you free...
Buffer: $450K VC investment turned into $3.5M
Buffer is a software application designed to manage accounts in social networks, by providing the...
Moz: $1.1M VC investment turned into $120M
Moz is a SaaS company that sells inbound marketing and marketing analytics software subscriptions. Moz builds...
Castle: $30K VC investment, eventually raising $3.3M
Castle aimed to manage rental homes for landlords using automation and on-demand labour.