Being aware of your users’ objections (especially if they’re not paying users yet) goes a long way.
Mind you, the word “objections” doesn’t necessarily mean receiving an email saying “Hey! I don’t like this!”
Much like the subconscious to conscious thoughts ratio, most objections are unspoken. A quick example is: someone sees your SaaS pricing page and closes it in 3 seconds because your product is not properly priced for them.
Here’s a better example: you promise on your SaaS product page that you’re helping X people eat faster. But that raises suspicions in the subconscious part of those people’s head.
Why? Because they doubt what you say. They might think “Hmm, okay, how do you back this huge claim?” — that’s an objection.
So what do you do? The next section of the website is addressing that objection — you might title it “How does our product work?”. Sometimes you might address an objection before it was even raised.
That’s the jackpot.
P.S: I wrote this piece where I propose a new web design concept. It’s got to do with handling objections and in a nutshell it consists of changing your website based on what kind of users is seeing it — just so you can handle THEIR objection.
This article might seem like it’s ending abruptly. It’s part of a 3 piece article that I’ll eventually stitch together in a mega-piece.
About Ch Daniel
I’ve updated this signature in July 2020, so older mentions of the signature might not make sense.
I currently don’t write on this blog anymore. I wrote daily for 9 months on this very blog, but now I’m focused on building the CH Group.
If you want to follow my newer articles, check out the CH Group’s blog.
See everything I do here:

Illustration: Kim Roselier