Category: Strategy

Can SaaS Companies Learn Anything From The Soap Aisle In A Supermarket?

If you go to the soap aisle in your supermarket, you’ll notice a certain type of product: a soap that’s

Once Your Idea Is Funded, You’re Exposing Yourself

If you’re receiving big amounts of funding, you have a responsibility to expand into as many markets as possible ASAP.

Pick An Industry Where An Imbalance Happens: Like The Olympics

The game can be boiled down to this: 1. Pick a place where an imbalance happens. The disadvantaged people won’t

If You Believe We’re Still In The IT Era, Move Along.

If you believe we’re still in the IT era, move along. The truth is, as I’ve previously mentioned a couple

How Much Should I Sell My SaaS For?

This conversation sparked up on our SaaS subreddit, a community which I invite you to join. Someone asked the following:

Vine Couldn’t Monetise Their Attention. TikTok Has Shown How It’s Meant To Be Done.

I kept writing about Taobao and how they’ve realised the leverage they had as an e-commerce platform holding all this

As Lean As Possible For As Long As Possible

Instagram expanded slow. They wanted to stay as lean as possible for as long as possible — and in that,

No Startup Should Sell “Self-Surgery” Tools

People want the cure, not the scalpel. So if your product’s page headline says “Tool for X Y Z automation”,

How To Find Your Mission As A SaaS Company

Mission-driven companies tend to perform better. At the same time, that’s just one advantage a company can have, in a

Why You Will Fail If You Go Straight For Your “World-Changing Idea”

Two days ago I’ve put out a preview to an unreleased long-form written piece. I’ve also promised I’ll release it

Building This Brings You Not Only Money, But Also Life Purpose

There’s a shift in the market. Smart companies have started doing something really daring: dropping some sectors of their company,

How To Build A “Winner Takes All” SaaS Product

When you look at the car industry, you’ve got options. From Vauxhall to Maybach and from Smart to Ferrari. The