Category: CEO

The Written Piece That May Not Make Sense At All. Plus Life Purpose For Entrepreneurs.

Aiming at creating something as big as Facebook/IG/Uber etc is cool. Most of us (founders) wouldn’t mind it. Some founders

How To Win In The 21st Century: As Much “Free” As Possible For As Long As Possible

Dear readers, I promised a couple of days ago I’ll link the new long-form written piece that I’ve put together,

A Startup Married To A Media Company — A Match Made In Heaven

Media companies withhold the attention of the people. They focus on whatever makes the eyeballs turn into their direction. That’s

A Reminder For Every CEO Out There

Today’s just a reminder. A reminder that, if funds allow it (and funds more often than not allow it), you

Why You Will Fail If You Go Straight For Your “World-Changing Idea”

Two days ago I’ve put out a preview to an unreleased long-form written piece. I’ve also promised I’ll release it

Google Doesn’t Have The Best Answer For Your Question — And That’s Good News For You

I believe it’s hard for Google to do its job even today, 20 or so years after their product has

Building This Brings You Not Only Money, But Also Life Purpose

There’s a shift in the market. Smart companies have started doing something really daring: dropping some sectors of their company,

How To Build A “Winner Takes All” SaaS Product

When you look at the car industry, you’ve got options. From Vauxhall to Maybach and from Smart to Ferrari. The

More SaaS Products Like These Will Be Released In The Future

SaaS products, so far, have been for techies. SaaS products are utility tools — and who cares about utility tools?

Slack And Discord: SaaS Positioning Lessons In The Best Form

Slack and Discord are, at their core level, the same product. They’re both an IRC solution adapted to today’s world,

Create A Product Around What You Need? It Could Be The Worst Idea

I’ve got a window in my house. It’s a special window and that makes it valuable. But in the way

Want Your SaaS To Reach 9 Digits in ARR? Do This.

Everyone SaaS is pursuing scale. Every SaaS CEO has read stories about Uber/Airbnb/some other unicorn and said “Yes, that’s what